New Zealand and Turkey: Totally different corruption levels
This article was first published in Foreign Policy News. According to World Bank corruption is defined as the ‘abuse of public office for...
This article was first published in Foreign Policy News. According to World Bank corruption is defined as the ‘abuse of public office for...
This review was originally published on the website of Global Policy Journal published by Durham University. The Routledge Handbook of...
This article was first published in PEJournal. The founder of Turkish Republic Mustafa Kemal Ataturk’s conduct of state affairs and...
Media is seen as the “fourth estate” in modern democracies. It acts as a “watchdog” for state affairs. The media coverage of issues is...
This article is an attempt to analyze women’s rights issue within the scope of headscarf issue and the imprisoned mothers. This article...
There are quite a few similarities between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Both are...
I wrote this article for E-IR in January 2021. After the failed coup attempt in 2016, Turkish political sphere has been dominated by a...
In this article I addressed the problem of the politicization of the judiciary in Turkey. According to me, the judiciary branch has...
This article was first published in Duvar English. In Turkey, pluralism has recently been under serious threat thanks to new legal...
Movies open the doors of new lives for most of us. Despite knowing that many of them are fictional in fact they tell us stories with the...
Movie therapy can be defined as using movies for therapeutic purposes. Movie therapy was first used in 1990 by L. Berg-Cross, P....
This article was first published on Yabangee Even though decades pass, some stories and books are ageless. Reading is more than just a...
This article was originally published on World Geostrategic Insights platform. The foreign policy of Turkey has undergone substantial...
In the final month of 2019, the first Coronavirus case was recorded in Wuhan, China. The pandemic has since spread nearly all over the...
Coronavirus is continuing to spread all over the world, with nearly three million confirmed cases in 185 countries. At least 200,000...
Coronavirus disease has a major impact on education worldwide. Thirty-nine countries have closed schools nationwide, impacting almost...
Art heals! Psychological disorders can be seen as the plague of today. The masses are struggling with unhappiness and psychological...
Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia's crown prince, on Friday defended China’s use of concentration camps for Muslims, saying it was...
Today, a tragicomic news piece has been on the agenda. School children have been showing their love to Ataturk -- the picture of Ataturk...
The women have pioneering roles in both Israeli and American intelliegence agency. For articles about this issue, you can visit the link...